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Writing Center

W Tutors can help you get started on a writing assignment, work with you on revisions, and answer questions about the design and argument of your essay.

Short Video from a Writing Center Tutor  

Alaina Stellwagen '21, Writing Center Tutor   

Writing Center tutors are well-prepared to give you feedback and suggestions for any writing assignment. Visit the W Center to talk over essays that you're working on, no matter what the discipline. Students enrolled in writing-intensive classes, such as First-Year Seminars, W Courses, and Senior Seminars, may find it especially helpful to discuss assignments and essay drafts with a W Tutor.

Writing Tutors can help you get started on a writing project, revise a messy rough draft, or develop and refine an almost-final essay. You're encouraged to bring drafts, ideas, and questions to your meeting. 

Writing Center handouts may answer some of your questions, too.

If you have questions about the Writing Program or about online scheduling, please email Professor Lynn Ishikawa.